Happy New Year! New Years Resolutions 2017

Can you believe it is 2017 already?! It only feels like a few months ago that I was coming up with new years resolutions for 2016.

This year I am not making a long list of resolutions for the year, or even maing specfific ones. Instead I am going to set myself a few goals that I want to meet by the end of the year, or at least be actively working on throughout the year.

The first of these is that I want to get fitter and healthier. After having a period of 3 motnhs being able to do barely anything physical, I have two different sized legs and very different strengths in both, so I would like to work on getting them the sam esize again and also working on the rest of my body at the same time.

The second goal is to be more organised. I come across organised to a lot of people already, but I know that there are areas which I could definetly imporve on. For one, sticking to the deadlines I set for myself.

The third and final goal is to just enjoy the year and try to document as many memories as I can so I have them to look back on in many years to come.

The reason I picked three goals for the year rather than a long list of resolutions is because I think it will be easier to stick to and I won;t feel like i've failed at the end of the year if it didn't maage to stick to it for the entire year, as long as I know I have worked on it as much as I can throughout the year then I will be happy that I have reached my goal.

What are your new years resoultion / goals? I would love to know, so leave me a comment.

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