What's in My Bag: Travel Edition

If you are reading this on the day that it was posted, it is the day I land back in the UK after a 3 week holiday in Florida. It seemed fitting to share what I have in my bag, especially for a long 9-hour flight.
This year I actually took two bags, I had my travel case and a handbag, as it meant there was more space for shopping! A lot of the items shown in the picture were actually in my handbag for the flight out there so I could get to them more easily, than in my case.

The things I had in my Handbag:

  • Mobile phone
  • Ipod with Headphones
  • Kindle
  • Purse
  • Make-up Bag
  • Colouring Book & Notebook.
Things I had in my Case:
  • Laptop
  • Advent Calendar (on the way out there only)
  • Pajamas
  • Chargers 
I am actually writing this before I travel there so I am not 100% certain what I will be packing where, but I am sure that on the way back my case will be filled with goodies I have bought whilst out there.

If you want to see what I bought whilst in America, subscribe to email update in the top right hand corner and you will be notified whenever I post, so you won't miss out. 

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