Holiday Blues

Welcome back to my blog, although this post says that it was published at 12am on Sunday it was not. If you visited my blog at that time you would have been a blank post titled 'Outfits of the week: Holiday edition'. The reason this was blank is because I don't have any photos to complete the post. At the begining of the holiday I had my dad take outfit shots every morning, but after a few days I completly forgot.
I also had the whole month of posts planned out, I was going to show you what I had brought whilst in America because I did a lot of shopping, and I was also goign to post lots of the picture we had taken. However, now that I am back in my flat I have realised just how many photos I didn't take. I am really annoyed at myself for this because not only does it mean I can't do the posts I had planned to, but it also ruined my idea of making a big photo album of all the pictures.
I am hoping that I can get lots of picture of my dad's camera so I have something to look back on, but at the moment I just have a few pictures we purchased from rollercoaters.
Therefore, the posts over the next month will not be what I orginally had planned, however I will be sharing some holiday pictures with you when I get my hands on some.

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