A Day Trip to The Beach

Yesterday I spent the day at Skegness with my family. Skegness is somewhere we used to visit every year camping when we were younger, so it was nice to go back for a day trip as we haven't been camping for so long!

We got up at 6am with the intention to set off at 6:30, but of course, that is not the time we ended up leaving as Luke has great difficulty rising before lunchtime as a 14 year old. The drive took just a little over 2 hours and we arrived in the town at 9:15am. Due to it being a Sunday this meant that nowhere was open until 10am, including anywhere to get breakfast, so we stopped off at Mcdonalds for Luke to get breakfast (He insisted that he was too hungry to wait 20 minutes to go for a proper breakfast).

The day started at Morrisons Cafe, where me, mum, Zoe and dad had a big cooked breakfast. Whenever we used to go camping we would leave at 6am and always stop at Morrisons for breakfast as nowhere would be open that early, so we carried on the tradition and it was very yummy! In fact, it was that nice that I had eaten most of it before I realised I didn't take any pictures!

The next stop was Fantasy Island. Fantasy Island is essentially just a giant market full of junk, but occasionally there are some good things. I picked up some bed sheets and egg cups ready for university and also a couple of pairs of sunglasses. Once we had walked around the entire market and brought everything we wanted to we headed back to the town and seafront, which is about a 5 minute drive. We looked around a few shops in the town before stopping at a bakery to get some cakes to eat in the park. There wasn't actually any cakes that I fancied so had some cheese straws instead. We sat on a bench in the park whilst we ate our cakes, I also took this opportunity to take off my air boot and let my foot move for a little bit. 

Arcades were the next things we did, a fair amount of time was spent at the arcade on the pier, winning tickets before heading down to the beach. Instead of going on the sand we sat on the wall as the sand was still quite wet from the rain the previous day. Of course, you can't go to the beach without getting fish and chips, so that is what we did. I actually ended up having sausage and chips and I was feeling a little bit sick from all the walking I had been doing. (It had been the furthest I had walked since having my cast taken off, with no crutches and one crutch) But it was still very nice!

Finally, Zoe, Luke and dad went on the fair, whilst me and mum waited on various benches as I had given up on walking or standing at this point, even though I was having a good day. Before heading back to the car we had ice-creams from a place called Bizze-Lizzes where we used to get ice creams from all the time when we went camping.
The journey home took longer than the way there and we arrived home just before 10pm and I went straight up to bed and fell asleep. As I am writing this I am still quite tired and am aching, but it was a lovely day out and I am lucky that I can spend the day resting.

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