Back to School Essentials

I'm not sure when everyone goes back to school or university, but I know that my brother and sister both went back to school today and I go to university towards the end of the month. I thought I would share some of my back to school essentials in case anyone still needs to do a last minute stationary run.
I have gathered together a huge amount of stationary, so that I had plenty to last me for the entire year. Of course not everything is essential, but it's aways better to be prepared for anything. Below I have listed all the items in the picture to give you a rough idea of the kind of things you might want to buy, if you haven't done so already.

Top 10 Essentials:

I prefer to use rollerball pens, rather than ink or gel
Both HB and coloured pencils are useful
Sharpener and Rubber set
Pencil Case 
Of course you need some way of transporting all your stationary
Revision cards 
You might not need them at the beginning of the year, but at least you have them ready for exam season.
 Post-it Notes 
I have way more than any person would need, but they are useful for jotting down things you need to get finished.
A lot of schools provide exercise books, but in 6th form or university you are expected to bring your own.
You may also want to buy a full geometry set, depending on what year you're in.
These are always helpful when taking notes from textbooks or annotating work.
Memory Stick 
If you know a lot of your work is going to be computer-based it is definitely worth buying yourself a memory stick as it makes it much easier to work on the same thing at both home and school.

Of course you don't have to buy everything I have mentioned and you can definitely buy more if you wish to do so. For example, I brought a lot of extra things that wouldn't be classed as essential. For example: Fine Liner pens, Whiteboard markers, Plastic wallets, gel pens and an excessive amount of post-it notes.

I hope everyone has a good first day back at school/college or university.

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