Crazy Weekend

I don't know if anyone noticed, but I missed my post on Monday due to having a super busy weekend. If I haven't pre-written a blog post for Monday I normally do one on Sunday afternoon or Monday morning at the latest as they go live at lunchtime. 

This weekend was one of the busiest I have had in a long time, as I haven't really been getting out/ doing much due to being on crutches still. However, on Saturday night myself, Connor, Zoe and my mum and dad went out for a meal to celebrate my exam results. (Luke was away on a Cadets camp) After the meal we came home and tried some of the muffins dad had brought home from work and stayed up quite late talking about all kinds of things.

On Sunday morning we all got up quite late and I spent time going through my tenancy agreement for the apartment I had found for university and signing all the relevant bits that needed doing by the 22nd. We then when out to do a little bit of shopping as dad needed some more work trousers and I wanted to have a look at some bits ready for when I move out. I ended up buying quite a lot of things, but all of it will come in handy! Luke also came home from his camp on Sunday evening so we ordered kebabs as a welcome home meal because he had been living off of army camp food for 8 days.

Dad went back to Norwich on Monday morning, Zoe went shopping in Milton Keynes and me, mum and Luke went to Daventry to go and buy Lukes new school uniform. We left the house at around 8:30am as we were getting the bus which would take 45 minutes. When we got to Daventry we then got a taxi to the school shop as we weren't sure how to walk there and being on crutches it would take me a very long time. However, we decided to walk back from the school shop which did take a very long time and in the process I ended up with a huge blister on my right hand. Luckily, I had discovered that I could walk a small distance with just my left crutch on Sunday, so that is what I did. It was not a very pleasant experience, in fact it was quite painful as I walked for miles with one crutch, stopping every now and then to add a little more air into my boot.

I have struggled with trying to walk with just one crutch for a long time because I am too scared that it will hurt too much, but that situation just proved to me that although it is painful, I can still do it and I need to keep practicing if I want to be down to one crutch when I go to university next month. 

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