Pretty Is - Maggie Mitchell (Book Review 4)

I really enjoyed this book. Before my operation I started buying more books to read whilst I am off for the summer. I tended to buy books from supermarkets such as Tesco or Asda as they do the 2 for £7 deal which makes books much more affordable than buying them individually from Waterstone or Whsmiths. I actually didn;t pick this book out myself, I had already selected one book and was unsure of which book to get as the second one and Connor pointed this one out and i knew straight away that it was definitely going to be something I would want to read.

The book itself is split into 4 main parts, rather than chapters as many other books are, so I am going to speak about each part as a lot happens in each section.

Part One
On the back of the book it mentions that two girls named Lois and Carly were abducted at 12 years old, but went on to live very different lives with new identities. In this first section we learn a bit about the girls current identities now that they are almost 30 years old. Lois has become a teacher and also written a book under the name Lucy, whilst Carly has become an actor under the name Chloe. I enjoyed this section as it included both past and present events, where both girls spent a lot of their current lives looking back and reflecting on the details of when they were abducted and also the reactions of their families when they were discovered in the cabin. Something that is also really interesting is that both girls are aware of one another, yet not in contact. Lois has seen Carly in movies and Carly has been cast to play a role in the film based on Lois's book. It is all very complicated, dark and mysterious, but it really hooks you in.
The section is broken down into characters, by this I mean Lois will narrate about her life and what she is going through and then Chloe, it alternated between the two for the entire book. (excluding section 2)

Part Two
Part two is a little bit different to the other sections of the book, in both the way it is written and the details it focuses on. Instead of being written in first person as all the other sections are this one is written in third person and is an extract from the book Lois wrote. Her book is based on the girls abduction, but is not 100% true to what actually happened, things have been twisted slightly to make it more appealing to the reader and stop people linking Lucy to Lois.
Within this section there is a lot of details about when the girls were taken in by their abductor and the kinds of things they got up to whilst in the cabin, such as reading and playing cards. It also focuses on the way they were treated by the man who took them and how it was not the way you would expect a kidnapper to act with two young girls. Right at the very end of the section there is a page describing how the girls were discovered by the police and what happened to the kidnapper, but nowhere near the amount of detail you would want at that point in the book, which again keeps you hooked.

Part Three
This section returned to the style of writing mentioned in section one and focused very largely on the girls current lives and the problems they were facing. Lois was having problems with a student at school, but not the ordinary behaviour problems something much more dark and twisted ( I don't want to say too much and give away the story) whilst Carly doesn't appear to have anything dark and twisted happening in her life. A lot of her time is spent thinking about her father and step mother who used to drag her around the country for beauty pageants when she was a little girls. However, Carly does finish the section with a dramatic exit. (Not death)

Part Four
For me this was personally the most interesting section of the book. That doesn't mean the other were not interesting, this just had more mystery and everything started to fall into place and become clear to the reader. It continues to follow the same theme as section three by focusing on the girls current lives, but their journey towards being reconnected through the film production. A lot happens in the last section that makes everything fall into place, but there really isn't much that can be said without ruining the plot of the book so I will have to leave it at that and recommend that you give it a read!

Overall I really got into this book. I normally go for easier reads - the romantic drama types or high school expeiences, but I am glad I branched out and read something slightly different and will most certainly be reading more 'thriller' type books over summer as they are so captivating and when you make it to the end and everything falls into place it is great, especailly as you cannot work out the ending at all throughout the book.

If you like reading, but are on a budget you can pick up some great books on the 2 for £7 deals, so there is no need to miss out! Also if anyone has read any 'thriller/mystery books like this let me know in the comments because I am on the hunt for some more to read.

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