Will Grayson, Will Grayson - John Green (Book Review 2)

Last week I finished reading yet another John Green book and really enjoyed it, as it is very different to books I have read previously. The story is about two teenagers called Will Grayson, both lead very different lives which eventually cross each other to make a great ending to the novel. 

One of the things that made this book different to ones I have previously is that alternative chapters are written from each Will Grayson's Perspective, the way in which the reader can distinguish between the two characters is the fact one it capitalized and the other is all lower case. Something that makes it even more unique is the fact that each of the Will Grayson characters were written by a different author. (John Green wrote all the odd numbered chapters and David Leuthan wrote all the even-numbered chapters). It is essentially like reading two different books at the same time that have the same ending.

The thing that stood out the most to me when reading this book is that it is the first book I have come across that focuses on the LGBT community in a non-stereotypical way. I have read books previously where the main character has a 'gay best friend' who is portrayed as your stereotypical overly feminine male, but not a book that has been about the LGBT community without being stereotypical.

Has anyone read any other books like this that I might enjoy?

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